Monday, February 10, 2014


1. I want to be able to pursue engineering and know exactly the career i'm getting myself into.

2. I think the best tool that will help me in this path is the blog. The blog is a way for me to keep track of what i am learning and the thing i will be posting. All that I post will stay longer than any paper assignment that I can do, not loosing my work. I want to use the blog in order to inform others and myself on what engineering is about, the math and science it takes to achieve the level of success you want to be at.

3. Since I am majoring in engineering I want to be able to make sure that I know enough to not have regrets about majoring in engineering by June. I want to show how engineering actually helps the worlds in almost every way.

4. I want, through my blog, show how the things that most people use everyday was engineered by an engineer some way, somehow and to show how it' has helped us overtime. 

5. I think the best way for me to have the most precise information is to research through the internet. The internet has the biggest collection of information than any other place. Another source that I will use are my classes that connect to engineering like calculus and physics. These classes help me to understand the concept and mathematical way of how things work in the real world.

6. I don't have all the learning network, like public or experts, but I do have peers in my other classes that also want to pursue engineering. I think the people that Dr. Preston mentioned about engineering would be considered experts in that sense. 

1 comment:

  1. Great start, Cesilio! How can you use digital/social media tools for the purpose? Who will be in your personal learning network?
