1.Adroit - clever or skillful in using the hands or mind.
ex. Engineers need to be adroit in order to do a good job.
2.Amicable - (of relations between people) having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor.
ex. Your true friends are the most amicable of all.
3.Averse - having a strong dislike of or opposition to something.
ex. When choosing a candidate, they might have some ideas that you averse.
4.Belligerent - hostile and aggressive.
ex. Wild animals are belligerent and are not to be tested.
5.Benevolent - well meaning and kindly.
ex. Teachers are benevolent and not cruel.
6.Cursory - hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
ex. Procrastinating can lead to cursory work.
7.Duplicity - deceitfulness; double-dealing.
ex. The casino people have duplicity ways to make you come back and loose your money.
8.Extol - praise enthusiastically.
ex. When going to a sporting event athletes get extol by the fans.
9.Feasible - possible to do easily or conveniently.
ex. When studying hard it can lead to a feasible test.
10.Grimace - an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement.
ex. The Grinch had a grimace all through out the story.
11.Holocaust - destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, esp. caused by fire or nuclear war.
ex. The Holocaust was the worst act of mankind by the Nazis.
12.Impervious - not allowing fluid to pass through.
ex. Dams are meant to be impervious so the water wont flood.
13.Impetus - the force or energy with which a body moves.
ex. Impetus or power can be found by dividing the work done by the time elapsed.
14.Jeopardy - danger of loss, harm, or failure.
ex. The Vietnam war was the biggest jeopardy of the U.S. because we actually lost.
15.Meticulous - showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
ex. When taking measurements you need to be very meticulous in order to be precise.
16.Nostalgia - a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
ex. When people rage they use their nostalgia in order to calm themselves down.
17.Quintessence - the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
ex. Quintessence are useful in chemistry labs because they help explain what is happening.
18.Retrogress - go back to an earlier state, typically a worse one.
ex. Some people retrogress instead of moving forward with their life.
19.Scrutinize - examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
ex. When people die in an mysterious way the scrutinize their body to find any clues.
20.Tepid - (esp. of a liquid) only slightly warm; lukewarm.
ex. Water needs to be tepid for little children.
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