Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary #2

1. Obesity-the condition of being very fat or overweight
ex. Americans have been known as the obesity country.
2. Accumulate-to gather or collect, often in gradual degrees; heap up
ex. Fans accumulate air one way  to push it out the other.
3. Mass-a body of coherent matter, usually of indefinite shape and often of considerable size
ex. In order to get the force of gravity, you multiple mass and the acceleration due to gravity.
4. Disease-a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment.
ex. Cancer is the biggest disease this country has face.
5. Diet-food and drink considered in terms of its qualities, composition, and its effects on health

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

This Is Phat!

Food, Inc. is a documentary about how fast food is sold and produced. They show how the animals are raised just to be killed for their meat and how companies don't show you the truth behind where your food really comes from. A family was interviewed in the documentary and they said, why would they spend over 20 dollars on product to make their own food when they could spend five dollars at a fast food restuant's dollar menu. This showed how people on budget prefer fast food rather than healthy home meals which lead to obesity.

Vocabulary #1

1. Expository-serving to expound or explain.
ex. Persuasive essays tend  to use expository in their writing.
2. Composition-act or result of combining parts to form a whole.
ex. Engineers use composition in order to make their project perfect.
3. Assuage-to lessen (pain, grief, etc.).
ex. Counselors assuage students when their going through a rough time.
4. Decadence-moral deterioration.
ex. Today's youth are in a decadence.

5 Go-To Sources For Good Nonficton

  1. The Library
  2. Internet, specifically
  3. English Teacher
  4. Bookstore
  5. Recommendations 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Reflections On Week 1

1. As of right now I don't think there is anything that will limit my learning or participation in this class. The only thing is when the wi-fi goes down and since i use an ipod, i wont be able to get internet in the class.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What Is Expository Composition?

Expository is being able to explain something while composition is the action of putting things together. In the class I think it would mean being able to think of an idea and then writing it down on paper.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's All Latin To Me

Dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe-He who has begun is half done: dare to be wise.

I think that saying beginning is being half done means that just starting something is being a head of the game. Daring to be wise means to me that you need to be open to learn in order to succeed. 

My Big Question?

My big question is if there is a purpose to everyone being born into the lives that they're in? Is there a reason why people that are born in certain parts of the world have to suffer more than others?