Dr. Preston
Expository Composition
November 12, 2013
Racial Profiling
Racial Profiling has always been an issue of the world. Countries conquered smaller regions and associated the natives by the race they came from, normally because the smaller regions hadn’t established a unified country yet. This was the origin of our country, The Unites States of America, and it was Christopher Columbus that placed the name Indians to the Native Americans. Honest mistake it was, he had thought that he reached the Indian Ocean and did not know of the New World land. This is racial profile that was set on the Native Americans, that we know now was an honest mistake. But as times went on, the racial profiling on people soon became a way to separate groups into what we think fits for them. We use it to make assumptions about people and try to figure how they act, live and interact with other and that has led to major problems in the world.