Thursday, October 31, 2013

Filter Bubbles

I always sort of new that the internet knew the things you like and the things you search and click on, but some of things i didn't know was that more and more websites are using this type of algorithm to use people as the product. When I started buying things on amazon and it saw the things on searched for and bought, amazon started showing me advertisements on YouTube on things I've searched. I didn't realize that they were using this algorithm to use me as a product. As the internet uses this methods, it worries me that this will only show me things that it thinks that I like but not show me the things that are important to see. I think that is you make your searches more specific rather than a general topic, it will search for those key word and maybe it can give me the result I' looking for.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Value Of Learning/Value Of Life

This week in Expository Composition, I will choose and read two topics from The Value of Life and do the steps required for those topics.

My topic will be "What is a Life Worth?"

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Literature Analysis #2

Topic and Events
1. [a] The Winter at Valley Forge by F. Van Wyck Mason is about the cruel, horrible experience that George Washington and his Continental army experienced at Valley Forge. It tells of the battles leading into Valley Forge and the physical and mental battles each soldier faced. Some of the men in this story consist of George Washington (Commander-in-Chief), Sir William Howe (British General), and many other soldiers. The book teaches you about history while you live the lives the two armies faced.[b] Mainly the story goes with leading battles to Valley Forge and then the hardships that Valley forge brought and the spirit that the men that survive it had.
2. The reason I that the author chose to write about this people and event is because he is an American novelist. I believe that he was patriotic because he talks about the British with sarcasm and repetitively shows how great america's strength is. He likes writing about great heroes who endure hardships and come out on top at the end.
3. The reason I chose to read this book was because this is the type of non-fiction I like to read. I like reading about special events and the people that it involves. I also like reading inspirational stories because it shows how much other people struggle, and makes you realize how easy your own life is.
4. The relationship that I can make to my life is learning about this event in school. It was one of those topics where you just hear about that event and don't go into detail. I see how we wouldn't discuss about this topic a lot, it's because the school tries to teach us the whole war in a certain amount of time.

Vocabulary #7

1. Cursory- hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
ex. Some people have very cursory writing and makes it harder to read.
2. Impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves.
ex. When running you need impetus to keep going.
3. Pinnacle- a high, pointed piece of rock.
ex. In motivating movies the main actor always reaches his pinnacle.
4. Contumely- insolent or insulting language or treatment.
ex. Some pet owners are contumely towards their pets.
5. Bereavement- mourning: state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one
ex. My dad was bereavement when his brother, my uncle, past away.
6. Cache- a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.
ex. Every browser has a cache.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

To Be or Not To Be

In the Famous "To be or Not to be" soliloquy, Hamlet speaks in a time of sorrow. His uncle has just killed his father who was king, married his mother, and deprived him of his right to be king.

In the beginning of the soliloquy, Hamlet ask if he should consider suicide over actually taking action and killing his uncle knowing that the pain may not go away after death. He wonders if life is worth living while suffering the cruel events that were brought to him. He thinks death is like a big sleep in which you dream, but he wonders if this big sleep will "give us pause" and take all the suffering away or if it will continue on. He explains how in this world we are faced with great sufferings that we must overcome and how even all these sufferings, there is still more fear for death. This fear that is puzzled in our minds of what is after death is the same thing that keeps us from committing suicide and it's what kept hamlet from that too.

If I was confronted with a similar path, I would not want to suicide either. I would think of the unknown, but in life not death.

Vocabulary #6

1. Accede - to give consent, approval, or adherence; agree; assent
ex. In order to receive a driving licence, you must have an acceded permit.
2. Brandish - wave or flourish (something, esp. a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.
ex. Criminals brandish their weapon to show their power and control.
3. Comprise - consist of; be made up of.
ex. Water is comprise of hydrogen and oxygen.
4. Deft - neatly skillful and quick in one's movements.
ex. Track athletes are very deft in their competitions.
5. Destitute - without the basic necessities of life.
ex. some people think money is not destitute.
6. Explicit - stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
ex. Many song have an explicit and a radio version.
7. Extirpate - root out and destroy completely.